Wednesday, May 20, 2020

My Prayer: Psalm 119

Every morning after the chores, you know...the cat scratching my eyes out until I feed her and then can't feed her until I wash the dishes in the sink...and of course if I am going to wash the coffee cup I might as well fill it...

...after that I begin the best part of the morning by reading Psalm 119 with my journal open. It is a wonderful way to start the day, because Psalm 119 is a prayer...about who I am and who I want to become... a daily manifesto of my hopes and dreams with God as my anchor, my rock, my light.

Some mornings, I am not feeling it but I go through the motions anyways. It's not that I am afraid that He will be angry that I am not spending quantity time with Him. I hate being a hypocrite. For me, it's the quality of time spent with Him. But however it works, I have learned that if I spend this time with Him, by the end of this longest Psalm in the Bible, I am overcome with a feeling of His presence, imagined or not, as if I, this no name of a grain of sand, matters.

From today's journal entry: So here, Lord, here is my life. Here is my day. I surrender to You. Not because I must, but because I willingly give you all my dreams, all my expectations, all my responsibilities -
Here - do with me as You wish, as You will. Because I know You love me, all is well. 
All is well. 
I am Yours!

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